Dear Friend,

We warmly welcome you to the pages of our site, the organization and the Heritage of the different communities of the Indian Jews.

In the past year the IJHC has concentrated on a multiple course of action to enhance the awareness of the people of Israel and other foreign lands of the Heritage of the Indian Jewish Communities in India, in Israel and other centers. Effort has been made to draw our people from all the communities closer together. Major effort is directed towards presenting distinguished personalities of the communities, detailed in Bio Briefs and “Single Page Pictorial Lifetime Review” and of their contribution to society. 

In addition is the inclusion of the children of the Indian Jewish Communities in Israel in the Joint Ministry of Education and Diaspora Museum Project - “From Generation to Generation”. In this project the children of Indian parentage are encouraged to meet their grandparents in school under the guidance of their school teachers, and to record their grandparent's life, experiences and other special events in their lives. The information will be documented in pictorial form in the archives of the Diaspora Museum.

Furthermore we have embarked upon setting up a Virtual Museum, and hope to see progress in the near future.

Finally the Integrated Bene Israel Family Tree Project has grown to about 32,000 data entries, several more thousands of photographs and historical biographical information. On this basis a Bene Israel Timeline has been created. We would like to encourage persons of our sister Jewish communities of India to join us by nominating a person from their community to prepare their genealogical history too. 

Time is running out and as the older generation steadily moves on, a lot of essential information is lost forever. We will be ever ready to assist their representative to promote and advance their project through our experience on the subject. Note a Family Tree project is the foundation stone for acquiring biographic, historical data and information about our ancestors in India and elsewhere. 

We at the Indian Jewish Heritage Center make it our goal to unite and promote the awareness of the Indian Jewish Communities. Till now, we could say, that though restricted by limited funding and other resources, our members are doing an excellent job.

To all our sons and brethrens who have fallen in the Tsuk Eitan Operation (Operation Protective edge), amongst them two from our community; and to the people of the state of Israel who have all suffered recently from the event, our hearts and strength are with you.

Finally – we the Members and the Board of Directors of the Indian Jewish Heritage Center wish the people of Israel, our Indian communities, and all our friends a “Shanna Tova”, a very Joyous New Year.

Yours sincerely,

Nissim Moses

President Indian Jewish Heritage Center

Historian-Indian Jewish Heritage & Bene Israel Genealogy Research


Our Community